Trainer: Deb Piltch
Register Here
Many affordable housing sites receive subsidies from multiple sources and/or are financed through multiple programs. This training will focus on where the rules overlap, where they differ, and how to make sure your site stays in compliance by utilizing the most restrictive requirements. This training is for supervisors, property and site managers and others who operate properties with any combination of: HUD project-based assistance; the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC or Tax Credit); HOME investment program; MA DHCD Bond Fund programs including Affordable Housing Trust (AHT), Capital Improvement and Preservation Fund (CIPF), Commercial Area Transit Node Housing/Transit Oriented Development (CATNHP/TOD), Community Based Housing (CBH) and Housing Innovations Fund (HIF) and Housing Stabilization Fund (HSF). The focus will be on how HUD, LIHTC, HOME and MA State Affordable Housing Programs intersect. An overview of various programs will be provided, including program administration, affordability periods, eligibility requirements and examples of key compliance documents to better understand them in a blended context. While there are areas where the HUD, Tax Credit, HOME, state affordable housing programs and other program rules complement each other, there are also instances of conflict. It is the conflicting areas that threaten to create non-compliance. In addition, we will focus on the challenges of determining household income, making studio eligibility determinations, conducting proper verification, structuring of rents, conducting transfers and specific program rules.
In preparation for this training all participants should review their sites Tenant Selection Plan.
$359 NEAHMA Members
$509 Non Members