Test Event
3 Media Web 1900 West Park Drive, Westboroughhttps://www.3mediaweb.com/
This is a recommended course by NEAHMA for all property managers. Trainer: Nicole Scott, Maloney Properties. This training will help participants with EIV Income Discrepancy investigation and resolution. The class will begin with a review the of the Income and … Continued
The Fair Housing Compliance (FHC) course is a comprehensive program offered by the National Affordable Housing Management Association (NAHMA) for property management staff. NAHMA’s Fair Housing Compliance course trains management staff to understand complex fair housing regulations. Register Online Here. … Continued
REGISTER ONLINE HERE ‘Save Energy and Money with Energize Connecticut’ United Illuminating: Evan Seretan Jennifer Parsons Connecticut Light & Power: Enoch Lenge Tasha Perreault “Better Building Challenge” HUD, Tom Chase ‘Greening Your Janitorial Products…For Real!’ Bill Scherer, President, Clean Green … Continued
Annual Summer Meeting Co-sponsored by NEAHMA and IREM Greater Rhode Island Chapter No. 88 Come enjoy the networking opportunities available through both organizations, an IREM Slate of Officers update and a fantastic Clambake on beautiful Easton Beach, RI Register … Continued
NEAHMA Associate Members & Friend of IREM Summer Meeting Registration Annual Summer Meeting Co-sponsored by NEAHMA and IREM Greater Rhode Island Chapter No. 88 Come enjoy the networking opportunities available through both organizations, an IREM Slate of Officers update … Continued
Who should attend this workshop? This one day course will consist of the 8 Hour Certification training based on the EPA Lead Safety for Renovation, Repair and Painting. REGISTER ONLINE HERE This will meet the standards and requirements of the … Continued
Trainer: U.S. Housing Consultants, LLC Register Online Here. This important workshop is designed for Senior Property Managers, Site Managers, Assistant Managers, Maintenance Staff, Safety Directors and Capital Improvement Directors. Morning Session - Understanding and Preparing for UPCS/REAC Inspections Learning … Continued
TEAM NEAHMA Charity Committee Meeting
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