Past Events from August 14, 2014 – April 30, 2014 – Page 16 – New England Affordable Housing Management Association

Trade Show Set Up

Lombardo's 6 Bilings Street, Randolph, MA, United States

Annual Conference and Trade Show Early Set-Up! Join us to set up your booth early at Lombardo's! Avoid the stress of setting up in the morning on Day 1 Tuesday morning.

Annual Conference & Trade Show Day One-Randolph, MA

Lombardo's 6 Bilings Street, Randolph, MA, United States

                  REGISTER HERE     Sign up for both days and earn CEUs for industry designations and save money on registration fees! Come hear the most up-to-date regulatory information affecting managing agents … Continued


Annual Conference Day Two-Randolph, MA

Lombardo's 6 Bilings Street, Randolph, MA, United States

Learning to Manage HUD Hot Topics, So You Don't Get Burned Perfecting UPCS Inspections/REAC Training Green & Sustainability Initiatives Training REGISTER HERE


EIV 201 Advanced-Quincy, MA

The Moorings at Squantum Garden The Moorings at Squantum Garden, Quincy, United States

REGISTER HERE  This is a recommended course by NEAHMA for all property managers. Trainer: Nicole Scott This training will help participants with EIV Income Discrepancy investigation and resolution. The class will begin with a review of the Income and Income … Continued



REGISTER HERE   LEAS-ESSENTIALS Presented by: Catherine F. Downing, Esq., Law Offices of Catherine F. Downing & Associates   How well do you understand the terms of your Lease or Occupancy Agreement? Do you know the difference between a pet and … Continued


MOR Training- Natick, MA

Sherwood Village 145 Mill Street, Natick, MA, United States

REGISTER HERE   Presenter: Deb Piltch, Piltch Associates The Contract Administrators in most states are scheduled to resume MORs this year. In this training we will discuss what Contract Administrators will be looking for during the MOR; in addition, how to … Continued


EIV Income Discrepancies 2 Part NEAHMA Webinar

REGISTER HERE   Part 1: November 2 Part 2: November 9 Presenter: Nicki Scott HUD implemented EIV in order to promote income and rent integrity and make sure that the ‘right benefits go to the right persons’. Our training on … Continued



REGISTER HERE LEAS-ESSENTIALS Presented by: Catherine F. Downing, Esq., Law Offices of Catherine F. Downing & Associates   How well do you understand the terms of your Lease or Occupancy Agreement? Do you know the difference between a pet and an … Continued


EIV 101 Beginner-Worcester, MA

Seabury Heights 240 Belmont St, Worcester, MA, United States

REGISTER HERE   This is a recommended course by NEAHMA for all property managers. Trainer: Nicole Scott This training will help participants understand their obligations in relation HUD’s Enterprise Income Verification (EIV) System. The class will begin with a discussion … Continued


Fair Housing Compliance (FHC)-Quincy, MA

The Moorings at Squantum Garden The Moorings at Squantum Garden, Quincy, United States

REGISTER HERE   Presenter: Helena Padellaro The Fair Housing Compliance (FHC) course is a comprehensive program offered by the National Affordable Housing Management Association (NAHMA) for property management staff. NAHMA’s Fair Housing Compliance course trains management staff to understand complex … Continued


EIV Income Discrepancies 2 Part NEAHMA Webinar

REGISTER HERE Part 2: November 9 Presenter: Nicki Scott HUD implemented EIV in order to promote income and rent integrity and make sure that the ‘right benefits go to the right persons’. Our training on EIV Income Discrepancies will provide … Continued



REGISTER HERE LEAS-ESSENTIALS Presented by: Catherine F. Downing, Esq., Law Offices of Catherine F. Downing & Associates How well do you understand the terms of your Lease or Occupancy Agreement? Do you know the difference between a pet and an assistance … Continued


Certified Professional of Occupancy (CPO)-Worcester,MA

Seabury Heights 240 Belmont St, Worcester, MA, United States

REGISTER HERE Trainer: Deb Piltch, Piltch Associates The Certified Professional of Occupancy (CPO) course is a comprehensive program offered by the National Affordable Housing Management Association (NAHMA) for property management staff in affordable developments, including LIHTC properties with HUD subsidies. … Continued

EIV 201 Advanced-Worcester, MA

Seabury Heights 240 Belmont St, Worcester, MA, United States

REGISTER HERE This is a recommended course by NEAHMA for all property managers. Trainer: Nicole Scott This training will help participants with EIV Income Discrepancy investigation and resolution. The class will begin with a review of the Income and Income … Continued


VAWA Final Rule Update NEAHMA Webinar

REGISTER HERE   Presenter: Deb Piltch, Piltch Associates This webinar will discuss HUD's recently published final rule regarding the implementation of housing protections authorized in the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA). We will begin with a review … Continued


Double Subsidy NEAHMA Webinar

REGISTER HERE   Presenter: Nicki Scott A Double Subsidy case arises when a Contract Administrator or TRACS receives a Move In or Initial Certification for a household that is active in another unit (either within the same or a different … Continued


Basic Tax Credit-Quincy, MA

The Moorings at Squantum Garden The Moorings at Squantum Garden, Quincy, United States

REGISTER HERE   This course is designed for beginner level tax credit managers. It is a great pre-cursor to the SHCM prep course being held later in 2017. This training will provide participants with an overview of the Tax Credit Program.  … Continued

Basic Occupancy Training-N. Providence, RI

Centerdale Manor 2074 Smith Street, North Providence, RI, United States

REGISTER HERE   This is a reccommended course by NEAHMA as an excellent pre-cursor to the CPO Course Trainer: Deb Piltch, Piltch Associates Who Should attend this Workshop? New staff in a variety of positions at HUD assisted affordable housing … Continued


Basic Occupancy Course-Quincy, MA

The Moorings at Squantum Gardens Community Room 420 East Squantum St., Quincy, MA, United States

REGISTER HERE   This is a recommended course by NEAHMA as an excellent pre-cursor to the CPO Course Trainer: Deb Piltch, Piltch Associates Who Should attend this Workshop? New staff in a variety of positions at HUD assisted affordable housing … Continued


Repayment Agreements NEAHMA Webinar

REGISTER HERE   Trainer: Nicki Scott Our course on Repayment Agreements is designed to help Owners and Agents better understand the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s, or HUD’s, objective of reducing administrative and subsidy payment errors in order to … Continued


RRP Lead Safety Updates Training-Newton, MA

ARS Headquarters

REGISTER HERE   Presenter: Gary ARS Restoration Specialists Space is Limited!     (A MUST for Property Management Companies and Contractors) This course will consist of the 4-Hour Certification training based on Massachusetts regulations for Renovation, Repair and Painting. This … Continued


Documenting Resident Violations Webinar

REGISTER HERE Heather Staggs, President, S.T.A.R. Momentum Training and Consulting, LLC. In this 90-minute webinar, participants will learn how document your resident files for different types of tenant violations. We will discuss a series of different infractions, the types of … Continued


LIHTC File Audit Training-Quincy, MA

The Moorings at Squantum Gardens Community Room 420 East Squantum St., Quincy, MA, United States

REGISTER HERE   Trainer: Debbie Piltch, Piltch Associates IMPORTANT Requirement: Please bring a sample tenant file and calculator with you. Please remember to remove any personal date from the sample tenant file. The course will begin with an overview of … Continued


2 Part EIV Income Discrepancies Part 1

REGISTER HERE Presenter: Nicki Scott Part 1: February 15 Part 2: February 22 HUD implemented EIV in order to promote income and rent integrity and make sure that the ‘right benefits go to the right persons’. Our training on EIV … Continued


Calculating Income and Rent: Tax Credit vs. HUD-Worcester, MA

Coes Pond Village 39 First Street, Worcester, MA, United States

REGISTER HERE Trainer: Deb Piltch, Piltch Associates This is an important workshop for anyone who manages a site that has both tax credits and HUD Multifamily Housing. The focus of this training will be on the similarities and differences between … Continued


The 2025 NEAHMA Training Calendar is now available. Please download here.