Trainer: Deb Piltch, Piltch Associates
This important workshop is for:
All Office, Maintenance Staff & RSC/RADs
This training is for all site staff that want to understand fair housing laws as related to onsite practices. The training will provide an overview of fair housing laws and all protected classes, but the focus of the training will be residents with disabilities and topics that relate directly to front line staff including maintenance and custodial staff:
How to respond to resident requests for assistance that are outside the scope of your work, snow removal, trash removal, etc.
What questions you can/can’t ask a resident; what information you are allowed to know about residents and what information you aren’t allowed to know.
Assisting residents after work hours, responding to work orders and companion/service animals.
While all housing personnel require training in fair housing laws, it is particularly important for front line office staff, maintenance and custodial staff to be trained because they often have the most contact with residents. The training will be very practical, interactive, and provide significant time for questions and answers.