Trainer: Deb Piltch, Piltch Associates
Only live CPO Training offered in 2015! Reserve your room now!
Room Block Expires March 9, 2015
$140 Standard Room
(781) 769-7900
Ask for the NEAHMA Room Block
The Certified Professional of Occupancy (CPO) course is a comprehensive program offered by the National Affordable Housing Management Association (NAHMA) for property management staff in affordable developments, including LIHTC properties with HUD subsidies. It is the only occupancy course that covers the HUD 4350.3 Rev -1 (change 4) Handbook in its entirety, with specific handbook references cited in the margins of the course text.
Each participant will receive a copy of the HUD 4350.3 Rev – 1(change 4) Handbook at this course. The three-day program is composed of two and a half days of instruction and a half-day exam. Participants who successfully
pass the exam will receive a CPO certificate and lapel pin. All CPOs will be listed in an annual, national certification directory. The CPO is a requirement for NAHMA’s National Affordable Housing Professional (NAHP®) certification program.
Fees and reasonable expenses for the course are an approved project expense. It is recommended that course attendees have a basic knowledge of the HUD 4350.3 Rev – 1 (change 4) Handbook prior to registration.