Trainers: Deb Piltch and Heather Staggs
The obligation to conduct interim certifications for residents at our HUD Multi-Family sites when they experience a change in income isn’t new for us. However, many of us are experiencing an unprecedented number of such requests, while simultaneously needing to significantly alter our business operations in order to maintain the health and safety of staff and residents and comply with required and recommended social distancing initiatives. So how do we comply with HUD’s Interim Certification processing requirements given the COVID-19 Pandemic?
During this webinar we will begin with a review of our obligation(s) to process interims as described in Chapter 7 of HUD Handbook 4350.3 and discuss HUD’s Office of Multi-Family Housing’s continuously updated guidance on how to stay compliant during the COVID-19 Pandemic. We will focus on when we must process an interim, when we may delay processing an interim, and the timeframe for completing an interim certification. We will also provide practical solutions for completing interim certifications regardless of your current business operations. Topics will include conducting interviews, information security (including EIV data), acceptable forms of verification and how to obtain them, how to calculate the change in income, electronic vs. “wet” signatures, and what it means to use “extenuating circumstances” to complete an interim certification.
1.5 Hour webinar 1/2 hour Q&A
$109 Members
$189 Non Members
Interested in BOTH this webinar AND Challenges and Solutions for Conducting Annual Recertifications for HUD and Tax Credit Purposes During the COVID-19 Pandemic?
Register for the two webinar bundle here: