Managing a List Webinar
REGISTER HERE What type of wait list is required? What has to be included on the wait list? When do you have to put someone on the wait list? When do you take them off? What's the process of updating … Continued
REGISTER HERE What type of wait list is required? What has to be included on the wait list? When do you have to put someone on the wait list? When do you take them off? What's the process of updating … Continued
REGISTER HERE Trainer: Gwen Volk, Gwen Volk Infocus, Inc. 90-minute webinar Focus: The HOME program is unique. While some of its rules sound a little like Section 8 rules and others sound a little like tax credit rules, HOME compliance … Continued
REGISTER HERE Presenter: Heather Staggs, S.T.A.R. Momentum Training and Consulting, LLC Whether you are submitting an annual property budget to an owner for approval, or to HUD or a Contract Administrator during the rent increase process, we have tips … Continued
REGISTER HERE Trainer Gwen Volk, GWEN VOLK INFOCUS, INC. Focus: Do you have an unfinished Communities of Quality application under a pile on your desk? Have you been procrastinating on even starting one? This workshop takes the mystery, fear, … Continued
REGISTER HERE Part 1:Understanding TRACS-Wednesday, June 14 Part 2: MAT Transmission- Wednesday, June 21 Part 3: Subsystems- Wednesday, June 28 Presenter: Nicki Scott NEAHMA is excited to offer a three part webinar series designed to help … Continued
REGISTER HERE Part 1:Understanding TRACS-Wednesday, June 14 Part 2: MAT Transmission- Wednesday, June 21 Part 3: Subsystems- Wednesday, June 28 Presenter: Nicki Scott NEAHMA is excited to offer a three part webinar series designed to help Owners and Agents gain … Continued
REGISTER HERE Part 1:Understanding TRACS-Wednesday, June 14 Part 2: MAT Transmission- Wednesday, June 21 Part 3: Subsystems- Wednesday, June 28 Presenter: Nicki Scott NEAHMA is excited to offer a three part webinar series designed to help Owners and Agents gain … Continued
REGISTER HERE We'll go through the process of what should be in an application packet and what to do when the application is presented to you. We'll also discuss what to do when the application is mailed to you … Continued
REGISTER HERE Presenter: Gwen Volk, GWEN VOLK INFOCUS, INC. HUD's Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program, created in 2012, is having an impact on public housing and HUD's Rent Supplement, RAP and Mod Rehab projects. This voluntary "preservation" program is … Continued
REGISTER HERE Trainer: Nicole Scott The current version of TRACS, 202D, is being upgraded to 203A in order for HUD to accept data from Multifamily Housing (MFH) business partners that complies with updated policies and procedures. A webinar is … Continued
NAHMA Presents Key People Skills for Property Management Staffers: Managing Time to Maximize Performance REGISTER HERE Is it difficult for you to manage interruptions that interfere with getting your work done? Do you risk running out of time before working on … Continued
REGISTER HERE Trainer: Nicki Scott Our course on Repayment Agreements is designed to help Owners and Agents better understand the Department of Housing and Urban Developments, or HUDs, objective of reducing administrative and subsidy payment errors in order to assure … Continued
REGISTER HERE Presenter: Nicki Scott A Double Subsidy case arises when a Contract Administrator or TRACS receives a Move In or Initial Certification for a household that is active in another unit (either within the same or a different project). … Continued
REGISTER HERE Presenter: Heather Staggs Bed Bug Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is an effective and environmentally sensitive approach to bed bug pest management. The plan is based on common-sense practices in dealing with pests and insects in order to help keep … Continued
REGISTER HERE Presenter: Nicki Scott A Double Subsidy case arises when a Contract Administrator or TRACS receives a Move In or Initial Certification for a household that is active in another unit (either within the same or a different … Continued
REGISTER HERE Whether it is a conversation with a coworker, resident or contractor, an email going out to a group of people or report being written to share information on an important topic, communicating effectively can be a challenge. Even … Continued
REGISTER HERE Trainer: Ruben Rivera-Jackman, MNPL Many fair housing violations are related to not implementing reasonable accommodations policies and procedures accurately. It is important that affordable and public housing providers understand the fundamentals of Section 504 to avoid any violations and … Continued
NAHMA Presents Key People Skills for Property Management Staffers: Management in the Modern Workplace REGISTER TODAY Being a good manager in the 21st century workplace takes more than assigning work and making sure things get done. It requires good relationship skills, creating … Continued
REGISTER HERE Presenter- Gwen Volk, In Focus Not everyone is lucky enough to have professional service coordinator on staff. Nor can all properties afford to hire an outside service contractor to coordinate their activities. Tax credit properties and bond properties … Continued
REGISTER HERE Trainer: Nicki Scott Our course on Repayment Agreements is designed to help Owners and Agents better understand the Department of Housing and Urban Developments, or HUDs, objective of reducing administrative and subsidy payment errors in order to assure … Continued
REGISTER HERE Trainer: Anita Moseman What is and is not income? How do I calculate income? What does the HUD handbook say? Is it different for tax credit properties? This and more will be covered in this webinar.
REGISTER HERE Trainer: Anita Moseman What is HUD's guidance on criminal backgrounds. How does this apply to protected classes and Fair Housing? Is there a safe harbor? What should be done at this point?
REGISTER HERE Trainer: Anita Moseman Who qualifies for a a medical expense? What is is not counted as a medical expense. How do you verify medical expenses? How do you calculate medical expenses. These are the things that … Continued
REGISTER HERE FREE WEBINAR! Trainer: Gwen Volk, GWEN VOLK INFOCUS, INC. Focus: Do you have an unfinished Communities of Quality application under a pile on your desk? Have you been procrastinating on even starting one? This workshop takes the mystery, … Continued
REGISTER HERE Presenter: Frank Flynn, Flynn Law Group The purpose of this seminar is to illustrate the difficult aspects associated with the death of a tenant. When a resident passes away the role of a Resident Service Coordinator and … Continued
REGISTER HERE Trainer: Ruben Rivera-Jackman, MNP Seeing the individual first, not the illness Older adults, those aged 60 or above, make important contributions to society as family members, volunteers and as active participants in the workforce. While most have … Continued
REGISTER HERE Trainer: Ruben Rivera-Jackman, MNP This session will provide basic information regarding mental health conditions and the behaviors associated with untreated mental health conditions and provide strategies for addressing such behaviors in independent living communities.. At the completion of … Continued
REGISTER HERE Trainer: Ruben Rivera-Jackman, MNP Our behaviors are a demonstration of who we are and how we communicate our response to daily living. Older-adults with mental health conditions are a heterogenous population, most of whom live and want to … Continued
REGISTER HERE Registering for both parts at the same time. This will be recorded for your review afterwards. Presenter: Nicki Scott Part 1: March 14 Part 2: March 21 HUD implemented EIV in order to promote income and rent integrity … Continued
REGISTER HERE Enforcement of Non Smoking Policies This seminar led by Attorney Frank A. Flynn is intended to inform and benefit Property Managers and Owners of subsidized and market rate properties on compliance with Non Smoking. The seminar will … Continued