Trainer: Gwen Volk
As of January 2020, 129,000 public housing units and 35,000 units of Rent Supplement, RAP and Mod Rehab had converted to a Section 8 platform through HUD’s Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program which was initiated in 2012. And as of July, 2020 more than 10,000 202 PRAC units are in the RAD pipeline. Learn or refresh on what RAD is and how it changes the properties that convert. This voluntary “preservation” program is helping to stop the loss of affordable housing. It is also providing new opportunities for experienced affordable housing developers, managers and agents from the private sector to partner with PHA’s. This course includes HUD’s COVID-19 FAQ guidance for RAD and the new forms now out for comment plus what HUD is saying about when and how 811 PRAC conversions may be available.
90 Minute Webinar
$109 NEAHMA Members
$189 Non Members